Andtech Corporation Give us a call! We can help!
1 (714) 750-5500
1 (888) ANDTECH
1 (888) 263-8324
Central Station: 1 (855) 251-7551

Servicing Southern California Since 1980
what we do
Solar Electric
A PV (Solar Electric) system reduces, or can completely eliminate, the amount of electricity you have to purchase from your electric service provider (Southern California Edison etc.). A PV system therefore saves money on your electricity bill every month and protects you from future price increases. The electricity generated by a PV system is clean, renewable and reliable. You help your community by reducing the electricity demand required and provide additional electricity to the grid when you generate more than you use during the day, when this demand is highest!! Unfortunately, each year the State Rebate percentage is reduced, so the longer you wait, the less you get back from California. The Feds also offer a rebate and currently they have removed their $2,000.00 cap, so now is even a better time to consider a Solar Electric system as this offer won’t last forever!! Amazingly these rebates are available to both homes and businesses in California. If you were ever thinking of installing a system, you really should consider one sooner than later. With Andtech, we’ll assist you with financing options (if desired) and process the rebates for you. Remember PV Systems are investments in your home or business as well are OUR future!

If you’re looking to power small equipment in areas where there is no electric service available, we can do that for you as well.

Andtech truly is your solutions specialist so make that call today!
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California State Contractor #677638
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